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Everything posted by Krub

  1. Bump
  2. Bump
  3. Wooper sold
  4. Bump
  5. Bump
  6. Heracross sold Cloyster sold
  7. Zubat sold
  8. Bump
  9. 70k tyra 140k venu
  10. Bump
  11. Cancelled
  12. Tkl070701's alt. Congratulations & thanks.
  13. Bump
  14. Bump
  15. Congratulations @Huykos Please pm me in game or discord
  16. At the moment, I'm in silver
  17. Bump
  18. @Mrdiamante I'm online right now. You can pm me in game or discord
  19. Congratulations @Tkl070701 you can pm me in game or in discord
  20. 13 minutes remaining
  21. 410k Koffing
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