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Everything posted by Pranilsht

  1. Thanks for the response. The topic can be closed now. If I have any concerns I will do reach out again. Thank You again.
  2. Oh I see, thanks for the info Yash005, I was a bit worried. I hope the bug gets fixed asap.
  3. Respected sir, i just tried from my other device abd the action is prevail in other device as well. What do you suggest me to do next?
  4. Respected mod, I logged in my other id and noticed unusual playtime increase in that id as well. I am lost of my actions niw. Is the problem in my pc or anything? Can you please help me quick as I don't want to lose any events in the game. All of my accounts are: PranilSht IxPranil NotPranil Ace011
  5. Hi Respected Mod, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a review of my account as I have noticed an unusual and rapid increase in my playtime. This surge in activity does not align with my actual usage and I am concerned that there might be an issue affecting my account as I have not used any third party apps to increase my game time or anything. I have attached the screenshot of inspect command I did in discord of 2 days ago (1501hrs) and today (2175hrs) Even as of now while I'm typing my gametime increased to 2536 hours. I'm closing my game as of now and hoping for a quick response. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, PranilSht (ING)
  6. Will do that Thank You Sir
  7. Can I cancel my auction before it is started?? I posted an auction of mawile in forums few minutes before but NO ONE HAS STARTED THE BID. And I wanted to know if I can delete the auction as many of them are hunting mawiles and mawile is pretty common in game and most of them mightAlready have good mawiles atm due to the commonness. I want to delete for time being and will do auction again after few months. And, to be fair, I don't want the auction to be deleted if auction started as I am okay with the starting price, but if noone starts can I delete the auction by any chance? And if yes, how? Thank You PranilSht
  8. Accepted Payments Pokedollars Coin Capsule = 400k For Bid: Here or PM me in game, IGN- PranilSht Starting Offer: 1m Min raise: 200k Ends After: 24 hours of first bid Insta: na
  9. Completed Full Service(EV and LVL) , Thank You for trusting..!
  10. 555,555 Heracross
  11. APPLICATION FORM: Please, provide a screenshot of your trainer card. ● What's your IGN? PranilSht ● How old are you? 18 ● Where are you from? Nepal ● What's your total playtime? 650+ hours [I started playing PRO in 2021 but had to drop my gaming (completed Kanto gym but not e4) due to health issues. I recently joined PRO again and am a regular player now] ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I like every aspect of the game, but mainly I like hunting for event/shiny and pvp-able mons with good iv's and pve stuffs. I also like to help out newbies in the game... ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) (if not, it's totally alright!) I can do lvl up and ev service and can lend any of my mons if needed. And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? Suidoof I was always a fond of water type, so liked suicune to begin with also, the design of suicune in the bidoof is reallly well implemented in my opinion... On top of that, CR7 SUIIIIdoof, so why not...(I know this might be lame XD) Thank you for the time and hope for a positive responce. Discord id: velocity.11_08345
  12. Completed LVL/EV Service of Event/Shiny, Thank You for trusting your rare mons..!
  13. Completed EV Service, Thank You for trusting..!
  14. Completed LVL Service, Thank You for trusting..!
  15. Accepted Payments Pokedollars Coin Capsule = 410k IV RR= 500k Nat RR= 250k Contacts: IGN- PranilSht or IxPranil Discord- velocity.11_08345 Note: I am from Nepal and GMT here is +5:45 hours Price List! EV Service 45k per pokemon 40k per pokemon for more than 5 pokemons (1.5k for each berry used for ev change) Payment after service. Conditions: LVL Service 85k per pokemon 80k per pokemon for more than 5 pokemons But, the price also varies depending on base exp of the pokemon and the level of the pokemon. Base EXP of a pokemon is available in wiki, accessible by clicking here. Payment after service. Conditions: Story Service Kanto: 450k (199k if only last 4 gyms) Jhoto:400k Hoenn:450k Sinnoh:400k (450k for Kanto because halfway we can't trade pokemon and for hoenn because hoenn story is lengthy and irritating af) Full story 1.6 mil 50% payment at the beginning and rest after service OR payment after each region. Conditions: Subway and Teleporter Quest: 300k each Currently: . CLOSED In Queue: NONE
  16. 1.5 mil all region
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