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  1. Yea there not but still In black jack and in any gablin game you dont lose your bet when you win... that doesnt make ANY sense If I had lost in the example it would say"Your balance this session:-1" which make sense i lost so i am -1 chip cool But when it says you have 1 more cause i win and i lose it for no reason its not logical
  2. Yea there not but still In black jack and in any gablin game you dont lose your bet when you win... that doesnt make ANY sense If I had lost in the example it would say"Your balance this session:-1" which make sense i lost so i am -1 chip cool But when it says you have 1 more cause i win and i lose it for no reason its not logical
  3. Hello, can someone explain to me the logic on losing casino chips when you win? That's make no sense. I played 12 games 1 draw. So its like I played 11. I won 5 of themshouldn't I get mine back after the win? Here is an example: I have 26 chips left and i am gonna play for 1 casino chip bet I won in first try. It says that my balance is 1 chips so i should have 27 chips right? I lost my chip kekw
  4. Hello I am looking for the follow pokemon. Send me pm or here your poke with your offer ofc!!! IGN: Phunter003 Discord: PlayerHunter#1622 POKEMON 1: Chansey or Hapinny Ability: Natural Cure Nature: Bold Ivs: 25+ def/hp/spD POKEMON 2: Ferrothorn or Ferroseed Ability: Iron Barbs Nature: Sassy Ivs: 25+ def/hp/spD POKEMON 3: Heliolisk or Helioptile Ability: Dry Skin Nature: Timid Ivs: 28+speed/spA POKEMON 4: Mandibuzz or Vullaby Ability: Overcoat Nature: Careful Ivs 25+ def/hp/spD, 20+ att/speed
  5. can be closed i forgot to take a screen sadly...
  6. Subhammaster you won!!! can you please contact with me?
  7. You are totally right. I'm sorry, I posted 4 diffrent auctions together and i didn't mind that it was form. Thank you for the fix and i will be more careful next time. Have a nice day
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