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About Charizardmewtwo

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    Playing lol
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Charizardmewtwo's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hello guys welcome to the page of dragon slayers. we are a guild in silver server as its a new guild its not much active so we are recruiting members and officer requirements for members completed kanto active discord user requirements for officers have 300+ hrs active discord user for joining dm me in discord @Charizardmewtwo#4118 Thanks
  2. What's your in-game name?Charizrdmewtwo ● How old are you?15 ● Are you active in Discord?yep ● Where are you from?india ● What's your total playtime?292hr ● What's your goal in PRO?getting in random pvp ladder ● What do you enjoy while playing the game?meeting new friends,pvp etc ● Why do you want to be part of the guild?to meet new friends ● What's your favorite Pokemon ?greninja cuz its cute ^
  3. ok thanks
  4. ive created a guild idk how to manage it and the only member in the guild is me if anyone wanna help pls pm me Charizardmewtwo#4118
  5. i m disconnecting all my pvp battles i was in the ladder and now have 17 ratings only what can i do now?
  6. okay thanks
  7. how to transfer my guild from silver to gold?
  8. Can u try to killl it and max happiness again?
  9. U may try bcc too
  10. Oh ok thanks for your kind reply
  11. What server merge is going to happen and when?guild which exists now will be removed?
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