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Everything posted by Frankkintillo1

  1. I´m chilling, he just did a bad mistake, you no need post about it
  2. Hi, you sold me that Rotom for 900k and now i see that is in audition, anything to say? The trade mods took it from my pc and now i dont have my timid Rotom. You should appologize...
  3. hi im interested in victini dungeon service, im in gold, i can pay u, my name is frankkintillo
  4. u selling dungeon service in gold? im interested
  5. hi im frakkintillo gold player, i traded a pokemon with lucatosco and it is locked in his pc, i would like to take it back pls, any help?,he also wants to give it to me.
  6. Hi, i asked Essus to help me to evolme my shiny Haunter, my frien said yes, and after the trade we realised that wasnt Kanto Champion yet, so my Haunter got stucked in the pc. Please help me to return my Haunter, thanks. https://discord.com/channels/@me/979501563192172594/979501808567320656
  7. I asked Essus to help me to evolve my shiny Haunter, my friend said yes, and then we saw that wasnt kanto champion yet, so my haunter got stucked in the pc. Please help me to return my pokemon back, thanks. https://discord.com/channels/@me/979501563192172594/979501808567320656
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