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Everything posted by Ahmedsaied7

  1. I wtb the pvp kingdra please ign:ahmedsaied7 discord: galal#7530
  2. Yes I received it in silver thank you so much
  3. hello, I played and won way more than 10 games and didn't get the soul bound reroll ticket. im currently in silver but I played those games in gold... do I still get it?
  4. 280
  5. 180k
  6. Trade complete won by bingdrinker.post can be closed now
  7. Ok i will update 62 hours left
  8. 1.2 by crispyrobb around 71 hours left
  9. Starting bid by ricky568 72 hours from now
  10. C.o 3m min raise 100k Insta 6m auction is for 72 hours after first bid pm ign: ahmedsaied7 discord: galal#7530 or here cc 350 rr 650
  11. S.o 500k insta 3m min raise 50k lasts for 24 hours after first bid
  12. C.o gyra 1 300k
  13. Doesnt have to be hidden fire or ice
  14. Start sneasel
  15. S.o 500k min. Raise 50k No insta action for 24 hours after first bid
  16. action for 24 hours after first bid on the Pokemon Metagross s.o. 100k Beldum s.o. 50k gengar s.o. 100k Quagsire s.o. 100k magnizone s.o. 250k no insta min raise 50k
  17. I added you on discord.. username galal#7530
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