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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hey! I’d love to join the guild mainly to improve in PvP and learn from experienced players, so here's my info: IGN: jpasrv From: india Highest rating: Haven’t played much PvP yet. Age: 25 Discord: " ihavemanynames. " (that dot is included) Looking forward to playing with you all!
  2. hi, do u have a untrained / trained drillbur or evo ? ability should be mold breaker
  3. bro, are u still selling xmas swampart ice mount?
  4. u still doing services? i wanted service for z crystals, to be exact, fairium z. if yes then what is the price?
  5. before hoenn e4-- gyaradose=lvl100,swampert=lvl 87,feraligator=lvl80,clefable=lvl76,ninjask=lvl71,shedinja=lvl71 after hoenn e4^^ feedback= both jhoto and hoenn were far easy then kanto , but the exp gain from trainer battle is very low ,for eg -i have to repeat e4 7-8 times to do my clefable till lvl 81,and i m quitting sinnoh cause i dont have time to grind my pokemon till lvl 80 for sinnoh quest. exp share = only for low lvl pokemon and at early stages like ,2-3 gym . after that ,exp share becomes useless. i recommend to increase exp gain from exp share in my opinion sinnoh entry quest should be removed like youngster joey boss has been removed . bugs and errors= 1) happiness bug- like i told before , after my charizard's happiness became 0 it wont gain any happiness from wild battles and trainer battles. 2)pokemon switch bug- sometimes ,after switching a pokemon , either fainted pokemon comes out or other pokemon then choosen one ,comes out 3 ) 0 exp gain- this happened to me only 1 time in a trainer battle, i ones gained no exp from a high level gyaradose 4) lags- game sometimes lag ,even i maxed my fps 5) exp bar- exp bar always moves backward when my pokemon gain exp i hope y'all will fix these bugs and problems .btw there were also many pros .like - low exp need even we evolve a pokemon ( this surely helps a lot ), high level trainer battles etc, removal of youngster joey boss to acess hoenn etc. anyway guys gl to all of u , the test was fun cya y'all in next test
  6. before sootopolis gym -- swampert=lvl85,geodude=lvl20,graveler=lvl35,magby=lvl17,clefairy=lvl42,onix=lvl5 after sootopolis gym ^^
  7. before mossesdep gym^^ after mossesdep gym ^^
  8. before fortree gym^^ after fortree gym^^
  9. before lavaridge gym^^ after lavaridge gym ^^ before petalburg gym^^ after petalburg gym^^
  10. before mauville gym^^ after mauville gym^^
  11. before dewford gym^^ after dewford gym^^
  12. before rustbro gym^^ after rustbro gym ^^
  13. before jhoto elie 4^^ after jhoto elite 4 ^^ feedback= jhoto was far easy to play then kanto , faraligator basically sweep whole region ,i literally didnt used any poke except faraligator whole region . exp share system is only to lvl up low lvl pokemons or at early stage ,it becomes useless after 3-4th gym . And i cant train my team because of very low exp gain thats why i hve to sweep region from only one pokemon . this region was fun to play
  14. before blackthorn gym^^ after blackthorn gym^^
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