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Everything posted by Toxicsoggy

  1. sold magnezone
  2. sold valentines slowbro valentines slowbro xmas tentacruel
  3. sold pink tangela
  4. sold pink zigzagoon halloween tentacool shiny skitty
  5. sold - buneary sold -slowpoke
  6. pm when you're online, in game or discord
  7. claimed free pink natu pink rattata
  8. sold shiny shroomish
  9. clefable sold
  10. sold pink gastly pink rattata pink pidgey pink poliwag shiny ponyta halloween bronzor
  11. sent pm on forum, feel free to message me on discord
  12. BUMP - added more mons and prices to all happy shopping
  13. sold valenties chansey
  14. sold tropius shiny sold tropius pink
  15. sold horsea sold pink abra
  16. sold wingull sold tentacool
  17. Once an offer is made, it cannot be withdrawn. Fake offers will be reported. This is a Gold Server shop , players from Silver Server need to transfer. Pokemon will be sorted A-Z and you will see trained and untrained pokemon together, forms and shiny will be shown seperately Accepted Forms of Payment Pokedollar Coin Capsule = 450k Reroll Ticket = 550k Nature Reroll Ticket = 250k Rare candy = 5k IGN - Toxicsoggy Discord -Toxicsoggy Happy Shopping everyone! i hope you find something you like! A B C D E F G H K L M O P R S T V W PINK POKEMON SHINY POKEMON FORM/ EVENT POKEMON Fools Day May 4TH Valentines Easter Summer Halloween Xmas
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