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Everything posted by Toxicsoggy

  1. it still gets levitate in gen 9, abillty shouldn't have changed
  2. 600k will give once I'm online
  3. wtb bold eevee 15 this one pls and 19 bold
  4. +1 i think it would be benefical to the playerbase to give each server a re-attempt at completion, there was so many issues with so many people across both servers with not being able to logon, i think both parties would still fail, but many people were left for multipe hours 1/4 day not being able hunt the forms, which in turn was its main reason for people to participate and hunt
  5. +1 clone meowth time
  6. happy with transfer and smooth trading process thankyou!
  7. 240k will transfer when i win
  8. 220k will transfer when i win
  9. 200k will transfer when i win
  10. 180k will transfer if i win
  11. 150k will transfer if i win
  12. 120k will transfer if i win
  13. 100k will transfer if i win
  14. next scheduled event is summer event iirc
  15. few i have allready but pm me here in game or discord with ones you have discord -toxicsoggy
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