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Everything posted by Parrilam

  1. @Abbw you won auction
  2. 8 minute later
  3. ohh, i didn`t see, okey write me Parrilam in game or Parrila in discord
  4. s.o. 100k m.b. 10k payment metod: rc 7k each\cc 380k 3 hours later no insta
  5. Now i can be on game, i write you
  6. Hey Everyone!)) This is my pokemon shop Can write here in forum, in discord:(Parrila) and name in game(Parrilam) Payment variant: rare candy 6.5k each, cc 400k, reroll nature 270k, reroll ticket 540k, negotiable only if you buy 2+ mons Trained pokemon =<100k =<200k =<400k >=500k No trained =<100k =>200k =>300k >=500k Sold Mons
  7. closed
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