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Everything posted by Fernandoselim

  1. S.O 1k Min Bid 100k Accepted Payments Coin Capsul 350k - IV Reroll Ticket 650k Auction ends 24 hours later from first bid
  2. it has sold to @Adorableqx for 10.2m. Thx to everybody. Topic can be closed @Irushia
  3. Auction will end on Sunday at 16.28 gmt +3
  4. S.O 1K Min Bid 200k Accepted Payments CC 350k - IV reroll 650k Auction Ends 48 Hours Later From First Bid
  5. auction has done. Topic can be closed @Irushia
  6. Prize is 8m Accepted payments are Coin Capsule 350k - IV Reroll Ticket 650k
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