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Everything posted by SnappyWNL

  1. SO - 1k Min bid 1k Insta none Auction duration - 3 days 15 mins rule to be followed
  2. @Talz1 you have won the auction pls tell me which server your in and wheen your ready to trade
  3. 4 hours left ---> manectric co 1m 25 hours left --> rotom co 18m
  4. @Babykee You have won Sczor for 4.6m Blaziken for 2.1m Pls tell me which server your in and when you are ready to trade
  5. @Babykeeyou have won scizor pls tell me when your ready to trade
  6. 2 hours left for scizor and blaziken 6 hours left for manectric 27 hours left for rotom
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