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Everything posted by SnappyWNL

  1. Auction end time for rotom extended from 24hrs to 48 hrs
  2. Auction Welcome This a separate auction so pls bid separately 24 hours Auction 48 hours only for rotom (+15 mins) Rules will be followed So - 500k min bid - 100k Insta - None (Blaziken) So - 1m min bid - 300k Insta-10m (Shiny Scizor) So - 1m min bid -250k Insta 10m (manectric) So - 800k min bid - 150k Insta (None) (chandelure) So - 5m Min bid 500k Insta - 40m (Rotom)
  3. 2m pory
  4. 1.6m pory
  5. 3.3m maro
  6. 1.4m pory
  7. 3m1 marowak 1.3m pory
  8. 2.4m marowak
  9. 2.2m marowak
  10. 1.2m pory 2m marowak
  11. 1m pory
  12. Event magnemite 4m
  13. 800k porygon, 1.8m marowak
  14. Can the so be lowered to 7m?
  15. Welcome to the auction Rules 1. No offers shall be edited 2. No fake offers (will be reported) 3. The timer would be set Auction start pattern Start offer - 2m Current offer - None Instant offer - 10m Auction duration - 2 days Auction start - Auction end - Auction timer - Payment methods Coin capsule 360k Reroll ticket 450k Pokerollars Manectric ~ thank you
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