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  1. As far as I'm aware a "Pokemon Auction House" is on the developers list of updates they plan on doing to the game. There is no timeframe listen however, but I think they are looking into implementing it.
  2. Edit: See below replies. I wasn't aware of this stuff since I haven't really done much trading other than buying.
  3. Thank you. We will probably go with 2 of these to go with our Chimchar we chose as starter. One video we watched said to use Starly as a flying type for our team? But if we can get Gligar somewhere for flying moves we should use him instead?
  4. Hello, I am curious which 6 Pokemon should I focus on catching/training to have the easiest time with battles in Sinnoh story? All suggestions are appreciated.
  5. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? CorbinBlack 2. Number of hours played? 121 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Either Charizard or Dragonite. I love dragons. 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) I would say a mixture of hunting, trading, and collecting. I like finding good stat pokemon and rare pokemon to collect. I also enjoy selling pokemon. 5. How old are you? (Optional) I am 31
  6. +1 100%
  7. I am personally waiting till I finish all the main story/regions before getting into PVP.
  8. I agree with Bhimoso on the part about ignoring the story. I haven't been focused too much on story and it seems like most players rush through story to get to the end game content which is collecting good stat Pokemon, PVP, boss battles, etc. I played the older gameboy Pokemon games and watched the anime shows, but I have been rushing through story so much I haven't really noticed too much lol. Hope you enjoy the game outside the story.
  9. Hello Sanji, I think its set at 200 only because most players mass releasing have been playing so long that they've made lots of money from selling Pokemon. Players who are still newer (like myself) don't have many Pokemon to look through in our computer so we are able to manually release Pokemon to save money without having to flip through multiple pages to do so. By the time we get to the point of having multiple pages of Pokemon to look through we should have enough money coming in from selling to start paying the 200 to release without having to come back to PC. I hope this has helped answer your question a little. Although this is just my theory I could be wrong.
  10. Hello, My name is CorbinBlack in game. I am at about 115 hours played so far, but I have been playing Pokemon since I was a kid on gameboy. I play mostly on the silver server, but when my GF isn't playing I play on the gold server since we are trying to stay together progress wise on the silver server. I am always up for helping if anyone needs help with something. I also believe you can never have too many friends so I am always willing to add people.
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