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Everything posted by Jackstermac

  1. **disregard, pumpkin offered 310k first**
  2. s.o = 200k min bid = 20k insta = 1m **Auction ends 24hrs after start** payment types: cc (350k), nat rr (200k), iv rr (500k)
  3. 235k
  4. start
  5. ill buy for 400k.. @Glitches
  6. 313k
  7. 275k
  8. 250k
  9. 215k
  10. 191000
  11. 190050
  12. 19050
  13. 190k
  14. 182k
  15. 180k
  16. Add me on disc - jackwmac
  17. Okay, can I still buy the Noibat?
  18. @Arunt wtb sneasel 100k... wooper price?
  19. shuckle still on the table & nego?
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