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Everything posted by Medu5a

  1. can be closed
  2. 12-14 ?
  3. I will use my up for thanks the guys who follow me and trust me all this months (almost 1 year away) Thanks a lot evryone who bay even 1 focus sash or 1 gem from me cause evryone help me do this amount of monay The amount its 158.620.000 Ofcurse i do not stuck them but i wanna thank you all At the photo ofcurse dosent look like that but the toxic guys feel free check it by your self! Thanks again evryone
  4. WTB presige Giratina mount Pm for the price
  5. 210k
  6. Chicorita any disc?
  7. 200k
  8. 150k
  9. 120k
  10. 115k
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