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Everything posted by Medu5a

  1. Nah its all fine thanks for your time answer me you did a great job like the most of the stufs that what i said i do not wanna do any problem or somthing! I just want say 1 good buy at all the players we had play together for so many years,have a great day if some stufs will go out (and they will at the future cause that is what happening always [no with bad feelings i just saying facts] then i whould be happy be back) , but untill then good buy my friends and thanks for evrything! And about this i never said i use bot i said my brother did but no reason speking of this after so many months after i explain so many times the truth! Thanks again for your time not only now but at all times i had problem! Even if i was wrong have a nice life
  2. I give already like 50 pokes and cosmetics at some players! and i said if mr eon change the stufs who think they are gods i will be back
  3. Hello evryone! I was here from 2016! i have met a lot of people! Some rly rly nice guys and some not so match! But nothing make me quit the game untill now! Its no complain or somthing i will just wanna post 1 last time here before i leave for ever from this game or untill mr. eon change the stuffs (not all of them some of them rly help me like manbat and others) but some others think they are gods and the just focusing on you from 2019 untill today xD its insane how some players can be toxic and they report you for no sense and after that when you have proofs this guys been toxic at the first place you are the one who been punished! But its evrything okay! I am so happy i play this game and i play against vs great players like smooge and others! I just have tired been target and at this account as i was at paok123....So this is the good buy guys! Thanks a lot evryone even if we was ''enemys'' love you all! Enjoy the game its rly nice game and its worth this community grow up just report the toxic kids who try destroy this community! And stuffs thanks a lot so match for evrything (most of you) Cyaaaaaa
  4. cult mask 400k ?
  5. 5.5m (if i win one mod-admin will force the trade)
  6. Once again as happend at paok i try help the community and been target thats why i am not gonna come again online sorry if you want buy somthing i will come online only for the winners of psyengy at gold for last time! Thanks evryone for evrything! Have a nice travel guys enjoy
  7. Username: Medu5a Server : Silver Timezone: GMT+3
  8. Start pory 50k right?
  9. mane 196.546k
  10. Pls stop make commend with no reason cause with that way you make ''up'' your post! Once evry 24hours And 5k rc? Gl with the action
  11. I am online now my friend and i will come again at 3-4 hours if you are not avail now
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