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Everything posted by Shangxiao

  1. very regret :((
  2. In 2022, I win minigame chess only reward gengarite but have't clothes. Now I won hard mode vs hard mode+. The reward in hardmode+ is S Mega Gengar Clothes but I only get the normal Mega Gengar Clothes normal. How to get S Mega Gengar Clothes?
  3. Thanks you so much ^^
  4. I accidentally deleted my best pokemon Druddigon, can you help me get it back, I really need it. Thanks a lot. Sever: Gold Username: Shangxiao
  5. I accidentally deleted my best pokemon Druddigon, can you help me get it back, I really need it. Thank you very much.
  6. Hi! I completed the phase 2 quest at the Vulcan fair and defeated the boss Rocket Leader Maverick and got the reward that all 8 Mini-games gave Summer Points but I tried playing and didn't see the points. What should I do?
  7. I checked there is "Burring Strait Under Water" and "Burring Strait Underwater". These are 2 different maps, 1 is available in Xmas 2020 and 1 can be accessed but don't know the way, please show me the way.
  8. Where map Burring Strait Under water in region? I need hunt Dhelmise.
  9. Move Perish Song, Disable and Baton Pass not allowed to use. I have complete quest ^^
  10. can you tell in detail?
  11. I overcame Mismagius and was about to fight boss Delphox, I went back to my computer to exchange PKM to fight back. But I can't go back. Now do to go back!
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