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Everything posted by L0n3walk3r

  1. toliet break
  2. niceee javelinz ,177.777
  3. pff javelin ruined the game,150k
  4. my bad,35123 to go with the flow
  5. trade completed through a 3rd party, auction ended. have fun
  6. hi mate,you re online so we can trade?
  7. @Burn1n4live mate when you get online,contact me to finish the trade
  8. auction ended, @Burn1n4live won with 1.5m offer. pls contact me here or ingame to finish the transfer
  9. exactly 1 hour left (bump)
  10. sorry @Zoruami or @Manbat i would like some help here
  11. I wanted to specify that since i forgot to write that the auction starts after first bid, the auction started the minute i posted this thread. so it ends at 07:53 PM(19:53) GMT+3. EXACTLY 17 HOURS FROM NOW. have fun
  12. 2h have not passed
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