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Everything posted by L0n3walk3r

  1. auction ended, congrats @Yameteee you won with 3.1m. contact me or come to vermillion to finish the trade
  2. sorry smooge was first to the 2.1m bid ingame
  3. exactly 24 hours to go
  4. S.O: 1M MIN. OFFER:100K FINISH TIME: 48 HOURS after first bid ACCEPTED OFFERS: $$ , CC (360K) , RR: 500K
  5. Thanks mate I will be able to be online in a couple of hours,I will contact you then
  6. yeah sorry i saw it after i posted and i edited it. 340k on serp 220k on chandelure
  7. What I took as a start was your announcement of what the auction start time is.you were the one announcing a wrong end time.try more guys,it’s not that hard!
  8. the auction ends in 15 minutes,not 1 hour earlier. i bid 900k
  9. S.O : 400k min bid: 100k end time: 72 hours after first bid no insta accepted payment methods: $$, cc(360k), rc(7k), iv reroll(550k)
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