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Everything posted by C1qiqibtw

  1. c.o 3m min bid 100k insta 10m auctions ends 18/12 19:00 cet cc 450k iv rr 500k gl//hf
  2. 1m
  3. 1.5m
  4. c.o 7.5m Min. bid 250k No insta Payment: CC 460k RR 500k Ending on 2/12/2024 21:00 CET If the buyer is from silver, he will have to transfer, ty for the understading Gl hf
  5. https://gyazo.com/379ef3b627f21cbba147aa98294e0b1f C.o 700k
  6. Preparing for the future metagame? Prepared something that can dominate it. C.o 700k Min Bid: 100k Accepted payment: Pokedollars / CC 420k For those from silver that are interested/winning you will have to transfer >.> Ending on 3/10 20:00 CET GL&HF
  7. gz to mad for wining, will post the trade after it's made
  8. 30 minutes left
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