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Everything posted by Imrig

  1. Yeah. Strange, usually a total restart of the client fix everything... Try to download again the client deleting the current files or to restart the pc :3
  2. Did you close completely the client when you restarted it?
  3. is this clefairy still on sale?
  4. I am at work now, I will be at home in 3h :kiss:
  5. Re: Adamant Duskull 21/29/21/30/25 <r>You can have it, I am out <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  6. Trainer's pokemons in the game can learn every move, think about red, pikachu knows surf, espeon flamethrower etc..
  7. Manaphy or shaymin will be implemented with sinnoh as legendary pokemon. They have both 600 as total base stats; maybe they will be both available with sinnoh :3
  8. It is a known glitch many people use it to check the nature of a pokemon before the capture, when you relog the ablity of alakazam/kadabra get fixed. You can use it when you want to farm pokemons with specific ablities, you use role play and see the "new" ability of your kadabra then you can decide to throw a pokeball or run away.
  9. jolteon can outspeed almost every pokemon in the game, espeon has more spatk so he can do more damage. Personally I prefer jolteon :3
  10. Espeon or jolteon :y:
  11. 100k-220k price range
  12. 2k or 2.5k (i dont remember) in celadon market Players sell it for 500$ 1200$
  13. Anyone offered for probobass?
  14. 2.1m :kiss:
  15. Sold to klevi
  16. I bought it ingame 2.5m :3
  17. Re: epic gligar h.a impish <r>300k <E>:devil:</E></r>
  18. Re: epic gligar h.a impish <r>150k <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  19. I'm fairly sure that you're supposed to be able to catch surfing Pokemon whilst fishing. Since surfing Pokemon are at a higher depth than fishing Pokemon it makes sense that they will get caught by the rod every now and then. Here, I drew a picture to help explain: This is art. You are an artist. u.u
  20. Playing the game I saw how fishing you can get every pokemon in the water even if they are not supposed to be caught
  21. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <r><QUOTE author="Marcy"><s> </e></QUOTE> Not yet, but we're keeping it closed for a bigger project which will be initialised from Underground, <U><s></s>PROBABLY<e></e></U>. I can't reveal anything more, just be patient!<e> </e></QUOTE> HYPE HYPE HYPE :3</r>
  22. With 600 games you should be an experienced pvp player and the top should be very easy to reach... I am not good, but after my first 100 games I understood how to win most of the battles
  23. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>Marcy will VoS undergroung be implemented with the new prizes?<br/> I really hope so :3</t>
  24. Re: Godly magnezone: modest magnet pull + hidden power fire with 66 power + Epic IVs <r>1.2m <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  25. Nice another masterpiece, you guys got some raw talent :y: I know... I am a good artist u.u pm me if you want other samples of my art :kiss:
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