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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. c.o 150k by alen01
  2. s.o-100k min raise-1k insta 500k auction time 1hr after first bid
  3. starting - 500k min raise-50k insta-2m auction time - 2hrs (after 1 bid) starting price - 500k min raise-50k insta-1m auction time - 2hrs ACCEPTED PAYMENTS- COIN CAPSULE-400K REROLL TICKET -500K POKEDOLLORS IGN-NXTARYAN discord id - aryan_3109
  4. Hello everyone, I am here to propose a suggestion regarding PvP battle rules. I believe we should limit battles to either Z-Moves or Mega Pokémon in each encounter. This suggestion is inspired by the rules observed in the Pokémon World Championship League, where participants are requested to use among one of them Z-Moves, Megas, or Dynamax forms. Currently, teams in PvP battles sometimes become overpowering due to the combination of Z-Moves and Mega Pokémon. This can create a challenging environment for newer players, as they may struggle to compete against such teams. To address this imbalance, implementing a rule that allows only one of either Z-Moves or Mega Pokémon per battle could promote fairness and balance in PvP encounters. Alternatively, reintroducing events where players can obtain Z-Moves through quests could ensure that everyone has access to these powerful moves, thereby leveling the playing field. Thank you .
  5. IGN nxtaryan discord aryan_3109 1.5m (nego)
  6. It is for me
  7. 600K (NEGO) payment method :- iv rr-500k rc-6k contacts:- ign- nxtaryan discord- aryan_3109
  8. buy cofagrigious 450k? ign- nxtaryan disc- aryan_3109
  9. 500k 400k methods- cc-400k pokedollors iv rr negotiable both
  10. price- 500k , payment method - cc ,pokedollors,rr,
  11. can't find cynthia in mega garchomp quest
  12. tyranitar price - 400k Gardevoir price - 400k Hippowndon-300k Beedrill-150k Scizor-200k
  13. s.o-100k min raise 10k ends after 1hr of the 1 bid insta-1m s.o 100k min raise 10k ends after 1hr of the 1 bid insta - 1.5m
  14. Gacrhomp nature jolly abilty sand viel ivs 20+ hydregion nature - naive ivs 20+
  15. venu sold at insta price 200k ty everyone for ur bids
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