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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. @Pvpking1 https://discord.gg/pokemonrevolution
  2. winner is @Dleslie1996 120k once you come online msg me my DC id :- aryan_3109
  3. i have misorder the ss coz of my dms now i want to clear c.o is 120k by @Dleslie1996
  4. @Aurousplease check the c.o
  5. s.o - 1k min raise 1 pokedollor time - 1 hr ( after the 1 bid ) 15 min wil extend if a offer comes in the last 15min HAPPY BIDDING
  6. s.o-50k min raise- 10k instant 500k time - 2hours after first bid ign-nxtaryan
  7. The dude gone off so , and not in my friendlist so , the guy @Haiiinyfewill be the highest bidder?
  8. the guys don't know how to use forums and its difficut because of launguage barrier to tell him
  9. sold to diego11 instant price 500k
  10. c.o 150k by alen01
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