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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. 19 hrs left !
  2. 150k both alolan vulpix 3 and ursaring
  3. Start: 500k Min: 100k Insta: 2.5m https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/6153708/bisharp Auctions ends 24 hours after first bid
  4. hello u won chandelure can u tell me where to meet?
  5. start tangela
  6. appreciated @Mainvijay
  7. note - this is a bundle auction rules: fake offers will be reported this is a silver server auction you need to switch 15 min rules applied S.o-3M insta-5m min raise 1k time-50hrs(after the starting price is met) gmt+5 summer bisharp halloween buneary halloween sealeo clone bulbasaur Best of luck
  8. what do you mean sir?
  9. can't understand the end point system please tell how much time left
  10. tanga hp fire 260k
  11. start barboach
  12. 1.4m
  13. +1 <33
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