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About Mido93

  • Birthday April 12

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  1. I would like to buy 3-4 Sinnoh pokemon for the Sinnoh story. Price between 50k-60k and min lvl90 pokes please. Ingame: Mido93 On discord 24/7: this_is_mido
  2. still selling those two sinnoh story mons? im interested to buy them. ingame: Mido93 or discord: this_is_mido
  3. Can anyone tell how much a Raikou Mount goes for nowadays? Please! Thank you!
  4. sold. t sold tyvm!
  5. WTS 2x coin capsule - 380.000/each or 730.000 both Can contact here or msg me on discord: Mido#0093
  6. 6.666 PC on both ^o^
  7. On both 10 PC
  8. Latest Update: 2023.06.15 Ingame: Mido93 Discord: this_is_mido Discord probably the fastest way I'll reply.
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