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Everything posted by Sirchancelot

  1. Private message me or post your screen here
  2. So Klefki doesnt learn its damaging abilities in this game. Is that intended? Becaus ei leveled from 14 and didnt get foul play or play rough. Bummin me out man. :Shocked:
  3. Good work thanks for the guide!
  4. Lol "Geogude"
  5. 350k please
  6. WTB Offering up to 1.5mil for each poke Eevee/Espeon - Magic Bounce - Timid - Spd 31 - Sp. Atk 29+ - HP 23+ - Other IVs 15+ Dragonite - Multiscale - Jolly/Ada - Atk 30+ - Spd 31 - HP 23+ Other IVs 17+ Cloyster - Skill link - Jolly - Spd 31 - Atk30+ - HP 23+ -Other IVs 15+ Arcanine - Intimidate - Jolly - Near Perfect IVs
  7. I would like either of these Wob < 28spatk+ / 28+ spdef / 28+ spd Shel *Skill link* < 31spd / 28+atk 24+hp
  8. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <t>400k Bagon</t>
  9. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <t>350k bagon</t>
  10. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <t>300k bagon</t>
  11. Re: Pokelluminati Guild Shop - Many Epics And more <r><QUOTE author="MegaKlownz"><s> </e></QUOTE> I want 60k for it</r>
  12. Re: Pokelluminati Guild Shop - Many Epics And more <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thinking around 150k for haunter and around 60k for the pineco. 200k for both<e> </e></QUOTE> i will take those two for 200k then.<br/> Could u reserve it for me for like 1 day abit short on money since i spent on other stuff.<e> </e></QUOTE> I will sell it to you asap however if im offered more for the same pokemon the other offers will be considered</r>
  13. Looking for max speed and 27+ atk
  14. Re: Pokelluminati Guild Shop - Many Epics And more <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thinking around 150k for haunter and around 60k for the pineco. 200k for both</r>
  15. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <t>Pm me for insta price of lvl 26 gligar</t>
  16. Re: Nosafur's Pokeshop <t>550k Skorupi</t>
  17. Wow really? thats its best abi by far
  18. 2 out of 10 found pm me with your epics!
  19. Re: Epic umbreon sell <r><QUOTE author="nicsy1"><s> </e></QUOTE> You obviously do care enough to make a fuss about it when im trying to buy a poke from you.</r>
  20. Re: Epic umbreon sell <r><QUOTE author="nicsy1"><s> </e></QUOTE> Note that i offered 650k instant prior to the retraction. which is over 200k more than what it is now lol this person literally refused service because I got lucky. <br/> Also, not a single person knows what you said...</r>
  21. I retract all offers. edited by Quakkz
  22. Re: Epic umbreon sell <t>450k</t>
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