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Everything posted by Variation

  1. may i start with 500k ?
  2. i'll be part ot this then :D
  3. rip abi :( but nice catch bro g² :)
  4. Re: Clone Zard Timid/ Jolly Gya Max Speed <t>850k on zard clone :)</t>
  5. hey more than 4 poke shall be in personnal shop bro :)
  6. Re: WTS Epic Porygon2,Dragonite,Weavile,Snorlax,Bisharp <t>hey, more than 4 poke shall be in personnal shop bro :)</t>
  7. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>t'auras jamais mon ptera désolé bb mais bienvenue commeuh mêmeuh <3</t>
  8. you should post it in personnal shop as you're selling more than 4 pokemon :)
  9. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>un petit chat qui saute sur un trampoline ça fait bump bump bump !</t>
  10. as i said on the discord, i'll report this tournament surely to september and i'll also update the rewards (surely more money and less pokemon)
  11. as i only got 11 contestant i'll wait 'till i get 32 contestant to start the tournament and stop inscriptions :)
  12. hey i would like to start it at 250k if you agree :)
  13. hello i think your first idea is totaly unrealeasable, just because this would make a realy to big creation of money and will totaly ruin all économy on pro, and as we can easily guess with the auction shack from nikola, actualy staff prefer add some contents to destroy money (auction shack / pass safari 24 hours / pas metro and so on) to make the "value of the p$" quite stable or even decreasing the second idea is i think realy cool, Nothing to add to this one :)
  14. there is also two swoobat on server even if the other seem's forgotent on an inactive account :3
  15. as i said ig i offer 4m5 on that swoobat :3
  16. wts this amaizing dragalge quiet (to use d-tail if wanted) with hidden power fire 64 base power to this poke i'll accept ms 30d (500k) black ms and ms 15days (250k) bo start will be 6m insta will be 10m bo will last 7 day after the bo start
  17. parfait je t'envoie le liens par discord
  18. t'es noob mais je t'aime bien quand même, du coup bah je ne peux que te souhaiter bonne continuation et espérer que tu viennes nous faire quelques p'tits coucou de temps a autres
  19. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <t>hey i'll uy that chikorita if still at sold : 3</t>
  20. pm me ingame (on varicelle or variation) :)
  21. i don't sell poke, they are only for rent
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