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  1. Thank you very, very much @Codexed for your quick help. I was not sure if this kind of request was valid or not. I will certainly keep that in mind for the future. This thread may be closed. Thank you! Best Jinzoooo
  2. Dear staff, is there an option to find out to whom I traded the following Pokemon? Around February 2023, I traded a: Alolan Dugtrio (possibly but unlikely: Alolan Diglett) Jolly Nature: 31 Speed, 30 Attack iirc. I think it was fully EV trained with 252 Speed, 252 Attack Ability: Tangling Hair ID: unsure of the exact ID but it likely started with 595xxxxx - 597xxxxx OT: Jinzoooo I'm afraid this is all the info I can provide at this point. If there is a way you can help me with, I'd very much appreciate it Best Jinzoooo
  3. As per your screenshot (see attachment #1) you received the offer at xx:29:10, therefore the auction was extended until xx:44:10. As you can see by the time I posted my renewed offer of 1.6 m (see attachment #2), I bid on the Pokemon before the auction was supposed to end. I was well within the time window.
  4. Dear staff, for a guild member I recently bought the item 'Divine Axe' from the PvE coin shop for 250 PvE Coins. Upon trying to trade it, we both realized that the item in fact is not tradeable. Is there a way to potentially reverse the trade so that the item mysteriously disappears from my backpack and my PvE coins get restored? Account name: Jinzoooo Best Jinzoooo
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