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  1. It's a very desired feature but it's already on the DEV's to-do list: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/
  2. +1 I don't care about mount/form updates and it's annyoing when you spam the whole channel with them. Create a new channel for those similar to Outbreak announcements (and give us outbreaks, last time was more than a year ago...)
  3. Hello! I found a bug in the replays. When I replay a match and watch it for example until turn 7 and I want to go back 1 turn, I need to close the window and reopen because we only have a "fast-forward to the next round" button. And I don't want to watch again the whole match so I click on the fast-forward 1 turn button. But it doesn't jump to the next turn but it goes until turn 7 (or the latest turn I watched). And I would love a "go back one turn" button added to replay window.
  4. Hello @Youngmucker! wtb this wooper
  5. Thanks Norex! So it'll be added when those code limitations are gone?
  6. Hello! As the title says, please make the Exp Boost work in the Trainer Towers! Since the exp rework, the Trainer Tower became the only viable option for leveling. And yet, the Exp Boost doesn't works in them. There's no point in buying the 25% Exp Boost item anymore or reaching the guild top ladder for the Guild Exp Boost. <== Became useless If you don't intend to make it work please change the guild top ladder reward for something worth it. Please let me know what you guys think in comments. If you agree drop a like or a +1 in comments!
  7. Hello @Patchnotes! Do you plan to code Mirror Move in the near future? Now that Z moves were introduced to the game, I wanted to use Z-Mirror Move but sadly it's not coded yet. (If you need help with coding it, let me now I can help you out!)
  8. @Yellow In the Dashboard page, we get this merge message, but I didn't play on red/blue server. I think Chitti just mix up this "merge" with server transfer.
  9. bump also, more QOL suggestions from others: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/231487-quality-of-life-suggestion/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/231503-pvp-pp-ability-display-system/
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