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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. This is an auction for Max Attack Riolu Start: 1m Instant Price : TBA Current Offer : 1.52M Drendento Before Proceeding to bid please check the rules Below: 1. Auction Duration will be 3 days from start bid. 2. Minimum raise will be +200k. 3. CC's are accepted at 360k. 4. Once a bid is placed, you are only allowed to cancel it within 10 minutes, else your bid is final. 5. General Auction Rules as outlined by Trade rules fully apply here. 6. No comments are allowed in regards to the auction. 7. All bids should be done here /via discord @Shutdown#5276 / ingame @ShadowRanger / via forum PM's. G o o d l u c k !!
  2. Sorry I am back. Whenever ur ready now I am too
  3. Current Guildname: PseudoCode New Guildname: Genesis Server: Silver
  4. Still waiting on you to come online but if it's okay with you we can ask trade mods to complete the transaction so that we may close this forum post.
  5. You are the auction winner as @p3ki was 5 minutes late in bidding, I'll deliver the poke to you as soon as possible.
  6. I think you were 5 minutes late bro, I'm not risking it either way. Could a mod please clarify who the winner is and shut down this thread.. I'll PM you as soon as I log into PRO, thanks for bidding.
  7. Reason I think this is necessary is while staff members are in fact well advised regarding the rules, they are as human as the rest of us and prone to either bias or errors, I don't mean to mention this to point out anything but I was banned a few years ago because staff members thought I was hacking when in fact I was just as much of a victim as the guy who got hacked. Having a player assigned by the PRO staff team or by the defendant would help avoid those kind of situations, it would allow the pro player base to take part in discipline appeals and understand how the system works, it would allow the so called "lawyer" to gain a deeper grasp of the pro rule base, this would give equal rights to those who either don't have full grasp of the English language or lack the ability to explain their situation, it would give players someone to speak and reconcile with without the fear of being prosecuted. Also this is a game, a lot of things in this game are unnecessary but having them makes the game more enjoyable.
  8. So I was thinking what if we could assign 3rd party lawyers to players with ongoing discipline appeals, it would be interesting to test out. Would give players a chance to learn about pro rules, having a 3rd party defend the players could also benefit the offenders. Some offenders would probably have a problem with communication, the lawyer could also advice the players on the best course of action etc. P.S I am not undermining pro staff but I think just like in every legal case, there needs to be an established player with knowledge of the rules to stand up for players.
  9. This is an auction for Shiny Alolan Marowak Start: 6m Instant Price : 10m Current Offer : 6.75M by Fjabio Before Proceeding to bid please check the rules Below: 1. Auction Duration will be 4 days from start bid. 2. Minimum raise will be +250k. 3. CC's are accepted at 360k. 4. Once a bid is placed, you are only allowed to cancel it within 10 minutes, else your bid is final. 5. General Auction Rules as outlined by Trade rules fully apply here. 6. No comments are allowed in regards to the auction. 7. All bids should be done here /via discord @Shutdown#5276 / ingame @ShadowRanger / via forum PM's. G o o d l u c k !!
  10. Pro player base is not dying but pro content updates are dying. This is the honest truth. Just so you don't confuse my statement our player base isn't rising either but it's just steady.
  11. I don't think why it shouldn't be possible. I mean 1,000,000,000 is pretty commutable.
  12. Megas have been planned for 2 years now, I doubt we'll see them but I hope I am wrong.
  13. Accept trades + Cash or a combination of both?
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