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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. Actually according to economics its really quiet the opposite, I collect pvp shinnies which are special in nature due to the fact that any shiny is 1/8192 or something like that and the chance of catching a usable pvp one is actually much lower. If shiny re rolls and repossessed shiny auctions were to be introduced, there would be more pvpable shinnies and as such price for mine would fall due to the competition from other possibility better Pokemon, while if repossessed shinnies were to be introduced the price of my shines if I were to sell would fall. Economically speaking there would be no gain I'd receive from this suggestion except the chance to collect better shinnies at a lower price.
  2. If you get perma banned its not yours anymore, its part of the system.
  3. I am doing an auction for this epic Pokemon I just encountered. Current Offer: 2.1m by Araragikun Auction Duration : 3 days from start. Instant Buy Out Price : To Be Announced
  4. I am not much of a shiny collector but I find comfort in the small niche that is shiny PvP, I am a perfectionist and as such I am still working on my team. I'd like to make a few suggestions that I believe will make things easier for small hobbies-ts like me. More SHINY RE-ROLLS I mean this one is pretty natural, more shiny rerolls = improved quality of shinnies all around the server. You could test the rate and reward players for a niche other than pvp, example special events and live GM events that help create a more colorful community. REPOSSESSED SHINY AUCTION Over time players have come and go, while others get banned and sadly the numbers of shinnies we lose rises according to that everyday. I'd suggest a way of repossessing the shinnies and releasing them back into the wild and lower the overall catch rate for a specific shiny for a set duration till that shiny is caught or an auction held by staff, perhaps an event. Please feel free to make any suggestions and keep this thread alive
  5. Please ETA Time left from now [uSER=1759]@rajaragoonath[/uSER]
  6. Yea. I Figured if it was still around why not give it a shot, just did a search for shiny Bisharp and this came up, didn't find it locked so I was like What the heck.
  7. I think your misguided somehow child, there is nothing in whatever you posted that concerns me. Please return to where you crawled from.
  8. wrong subforum, I guess.
  9. Hello and Greeting Fellow Silver Players, I am looking to buy a shiny pokemon preferably pvpable, my budget is 15m. Please feel free to PM me your offers here or on discord my tag is ShadowRanger #5276
  10. sure thing. take your time bro
  11. Alakazam around 300k if HP Ice Mantine around 500k
  12. PM me later will you?
  13. PLS Don't comment negatively on other people's trades. If he wants to sell for a trillion its his poke, his life choices. Good DAY and nice ferro.
  14. I win this, just saying.
  15. if only you were at silver.
  16. I offer 200k. (edit) turn this to an auction because idk how much this is worth.
  17. bumpity bump bump. Nice prices.
  18. That munchlax really tempted me to bid but DarkVader deserves it, grats on getting what you deserve.
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