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Everything posted by Icycold919

  1. S.O - 100K MIN BID - 50K NO INSTA ends after 24hr of first bid note- fake offers will be reported
  2. auction winner @Sinistros
  3. i'm very sorry for inactivity... my brother was in hospital and i had to go. @Sinistros can u plz tell the time when u bidded?
  4. S.o - 10k Min bid - 10k insta - 1m auction end 24h after 1st bid note- fake bid will be reported
  5. Auction Winner- @Evan1011 CONGRATS pm me in game ingame name- Icycold919
  6. Start offer- 100k Min bid- 20k No insta Fake offers will be reported 24 hours after 1st bid
  7. gyara 100k and start alakazam
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