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Everything posted by Icycold919

  1. I'm not talking about that. If the person is a nuisance then its ok but if the person is not then its rude to do that. Many newbies r there who may need help and if u ignore them this will be rude. All chat is ok but if the prob is personal then ignoring is not the correct option as this is a friendly game and these type of rudeness shouldnt be considered.
  2. We also can have some problems that can be solved by that person only. Ik this is rare but it is possible. What then?
  3. Hello sir. I wanna share something with you. I have experienced it 3-4 times. When we ask a person for help some does and thats good. But some players just dont help and ignore us. They move us to ignore section. This is totally rude. This shouldnt happen as this is a friendly game and action should be taken against these type of players. As we dont know who will be doing like this, I'd like to give a suggestion for a new rule that this type of behaviour can be reported. Sir i hope who is handeling this case will understand well what i'm trying to say. I hope justice will be taken soon. Thank You.
  4. @Viscabarcaa i'll buy 300k darmanitan
  5. @Viscabarcaa i need it asap urgent
  6. @Diego1206 i'll have to go to gold so plz come online
  7. wtb darumaka jolly untrained
  8. start excdrill
  9. where r the poks?
  10. hi i need mega loppunite service
  11. ofc bro i'll pm u in game
  12. SHOP OPEN ONE POKEMON = 75k 2 POKEMON = 65k each MORE THAN 2 POKEMON = 60k each *Fast pokemon services are done *Fake offers will be reported PM me in game or in discord ingame id name - icycold919 discord - aniket0293 GOOD LUCK
  13. s.o - 1m min bid - 100k time end - 24h after 1st bid
  14. i have mimikyu ingame name icycold919
  15. wtb snivy or serperior ... can i know the hidden power and price ?
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