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Everything posted by Eleo24

  1. Eleo24


    yes u can defeat every boss easily tho only if u use them correctly i can win 19/20 battles of bosses easily i use Whim Golduck Skar (stealth/spike for focus sash) Magnezone (twave + explode)/Dugtrio (momento) for safe switch Ninjask/Gorebyss Pangoro/Togekiss I have a small guide to defeat mostly every boss in game, my frnd gave me it U can use it if u want baton.txt
  2. start (Elite0ne)
  3. 50,000 (Eleo24/Elite0ne)
  4. which all mounts fs rn?
  5. Hi.. i was using natu as sync (bold) for val clefable/clefairy and i used teleport move by mistake (i.e ran away) is there any way to recatch it or i lost the chance? Note - It was in my other account.
  6. Yes the merge is fine but i don't think that bosses should be nerfed They can set a limit to how many bosses can be done by 1 account (1 account = all possible characters) Something like this limit can be set
  8. Bump
  9. Eleo24


    Ohk ty understood
  10. Can anyone pls explain me : - What is a dungeon? - How many dungeons r there? - Is there a specific team for dungeon like boss team? - Can I use any pokemon? (Lvl 100) - Any requirements? - Which rewards r obtainable? - Are the rewards worth it? Thanks .
  11. WTB black suit 80k
  12. wtb cloak
  13. kinda late reply XD
  14. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Selling come with a fixed price on mind no negotiation - dm on discord/pm
  15. Bump
  16. BUMP!
  17. Eleo24


    ah ohk ty also can u defeat mostly every boss using this.?
  18. Eleo24


    someone pls tell a team ;-;
  19. Eleo24


    Hi, I was looking for a team for pve capable of defeating most of the bosses. I am thinking of whim/golduck/dugtr/magnezone/gorebyss/pangoro. Or a team of 6 pokemons Only to defeat mostly every boss without changing pokemons
  20. Have more sweepers.. PM/DM on discord
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