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Everything posted by Codexed

  1. Hello there! I would be more than happy to help you out with this part of the Pinkan Island Quest. Nurse Joy tells you that she needs a special type of mushroom and fern that can be located around the area where she is standing. The mushroom in specific can be obtained in Pinkan Island Vale which is in the area directly south of where Nurse Joy and the Ranger are standing. The searchable mushrooms will have a ring of smoke above them that look like the image that I have attached.I hope this information helps in completing your quest! If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
  2. Hello there! I'm sorry to hear that you are missing some mounts. Which mounts in specific are you missing? I see that you are a returning player from a couple of years ago. Your current mounts will be listed in your backpack under the "Customization" tab. In the event that you still cannot find your mounts, I would be more than happy to look into this further for you! I look forward to your response.
  3. Hey Isaac, welcome to the world of PRO! As a fellow Pokémon enjoyer, I have no doubt that you will have fun with this game. Good luck and have lots of fun!
  4. Hey! So, since the above method did not work, we will try another way to get the evolution prompt to appear for your Togepi. Please try the following steps: Let the Togepi die in a wild battle not trainer battle Logout Close the game client completely Login Heal the Togepi in a Pokémon Center and then make it full happiness I apologize for all the trouble. I hope the above solution works out for you. In the event that you still do not get the evolution prompt, I will look into this more for you. Regardless of the outcome, please let me know if the above steps work out for you. I look forward to your reply!
  5. Apologies for the confusion. In order to proceed could you please provide the following screenshots: A screenshot of your Togepi's lowered happiness level after fainting it in a wild Pokémon battle A screenshot of your Togepi at max happiness after you have lowered it below max happiness Note: The max happiness level is 255. If you notice that your Togepi's happiness level has not decreased from 255, you have not successfully lowered its happiness. After you have provided the necessary screenshots, and if the problem still persists, I will investigate further. Thanks!
  6. I'm sorry to hear that you are still having issues. I would be more than happy to investigate further to help you out. Could you please try the following steps and include screenshots of each step? - Decrease the Togepi's happiness level once more via fainting it in a wild Pokémon battle - Check the happiness level of your Togepi by using the command /happy 1-6 (depending on which slot your Togepi is in your party) - Visit the Pokémon Groomers to raise its happiness once more which can be found in the following locations: Cerulean City House 5 Goldenrod Underground Path The outdoor market in Slateport City Hearthome City After following those steps and including the necessary screenshots I can further investigate if the problem persists. Thank you for your patience and I look forward to your response!
  7. Hey there! Sorry for the inconvenience you are facing with your Togepi not evolving. In order to evolve your Togepi, you are correct in that it needs max happiness. Happiness evolutions only appear on your screen once in order to prevent players constantly seeing the evolution popup when leveling up. Could you please try fainting your Togepi in battle and then raising it to max happiness again? This should fix the issue. After you have tried that please let me know if it worked for you or not so I can further investigate if need be. I am looking forward to your response!
  8. It's hard to choose just one for each! Land: Shiny Ditto Surf: Shiny Milotic
  9. Hello there! I hope you have been enjoying PRO so far . It's always nice meeting other developers as I am a software developer as well! I hope you continue to enjoy the world of PRO and hope to see you around in game!
  10. Hey there! @Tgbbrock312 Yes you can transfer servers by using the Player Dashboard which can be found here: https://dashboard.pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard. Please note that you can only transfer for free every 30 days or for 100 coins if you have already transferred in that allotted time. If you have any more questions regarding this, please feel free to reach out to me. Also, in the future if you have additional support questions, please post them in the General Support sub forum.
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