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N0va14's Achievements



  1. Tyranitar #1 800K
  2. Mimikyu 600K Tyranitar #1 600K
  3. i'll be soon ! let me know when you are too, or add me on discord n0vaPep#5185
  4. 1.6m
  5. 1,4m
  6. Hello there ! I am N0va14 on PRO silver, my real name is Joseph; i am a 29yo french old man. On discord my username is n0vaPep#5185 I played near 655hours on PRO and have still sooo much thing to learn about the game. Love hunting (when iv's are not making fun of me...) I am looking for a new guild to learn pvp deeply and get ranked soon To conclude... I grew up with the 1st gen so.. Charizard is the one. Dont juge me
  7. Hi there ! I am N0va14, i’m playing on SILVER SERVER and i need my Clamperl back cause I did a trade to evolve it with NERUB14 but he did not unlock Johto yet… There are some pictures from Nerub14 and mein too. How can we resolve this ? Thank a lot Clamperl is now on your account. Kind regards - Incandescent
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