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  1. ty for this and sorry grats for @Riyubas453 u can tell me when u ready for trade also sorry for this
  2. ok ty sorry for this i just follow general auction rule first time auction here
  3. sorry i didnt read abt that part i thought its costumable rule for 15 min one so its end after last call or what im sorry for this i just follow general auction so i nvr hear abt 15 min i only saw it sorry first auction in here
  4. Alrdy closed winner by @Lacomus with 2.8M u can add me ign Mikulova we can trade now
  5. @Lacomustell me when u on so i can add you in game
  6. Starting Auction : 1M Minimum Bid : 200K No insta Auction will end in 72H Wednesday GMT +7/ 17:00 GMT +7 Payment Pokedollar Gold Server
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