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Everything posted by Kimew

  1. Hello, @Cyanirl @Crazymad I have forced the trade. Please check if everything is correct. Kindly, K-Mew
  2. Hello all, @Makiz @Mareska26 I have forced the trade, 2 Coin Capsules were used to finish this deal. Kindly, K-Mew
  3. Hello all, @Grez You have been punished for False Offering. With the rule above, @Cipherisntsane as the runner-up, do you wish to keep your 6.3m bid and claim the pokemon? @Streekseyt Please if the player agrees to keep his bid, please make sure to trade with him. If Cipherisntsane doesn't want to keep his bid, this auction gets voided, and you are free to make a new one. My apologies for the inconvenience. Kindly, K-Mew
  4. Hello, @Dxtsasuke You have been punished for False Buying, as you do not have the funds to buy. @Maxwin My apologies, as this was a false offer. Kindly, K-Mew
  5. Hello @Fedivl I have edited your post, since the Insta price was added, after the auction has already began. Please check Auction Rules to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Also, I have seen you post this same Bagon as an insta sale on Trade chat. You are no longer able to sell this Bagon, as you have lost ownership to him! The winner of this auction is the new owner of the Bagon, so you can only advertise the auction itself! Remember once an auction starts, you no longer can back down from it. Happy bidding, K-Mew
  6. Hello all, @Rhulk Please check Auction Rules, before spreading incorrect information. The winner of this auction is @Javelinz with a 17M bid. Please make sure to trade with the rightful winner, and provide evidence of the trade. Kindly, K-mew
  7. Hello, @Asyouwish01 Please do not overbump your threads, as you are allowed to bump it only once every 24hours! Kindly, K-Mew
  8. Hello, What prevails always is the timestamps on forums, when it's posted. Lets say, as example, Player A placed a bid of 1M on forums 08/3/2025 10AM GMT, and you had an in game bid of 1M, from Player B, at 08/03/2025 9:59AM GMT, BUT you only placed the SS of the bid on forums at 08/03/2025 10:01AM GMT. The bid to be considered would be Player A. Hope it was clarifying. Kindly, K-Mew
  9. Hello all, To clarify this auction, allow me to state the correct winners. The end point of both auction are 7/3 4:41PM GMT. Since there was a 2m5 bid at 4:39PM GMT the end point gets extended to 4:54PM GMT Bagon Winner: @Zil18with a 2m6 made at 7/3 4:49 PM GMT Metang Winer: @Georgeguo2006 with a 1m3 bid, made at 7/3 4:40PM GMT @Zil18 Also if you intend to use an alt account to make the payment, please state it at the time you placing your bid. Kindly, K-Mew
  10. Hello, @Sefanne @Profsmoove Could you please try to reach out one another to finish the deal? I won't be forcing, for now, since I do see you have been online recently (at the same time), might have just missed each other barely. If you can finish the deal yourselves the better, if not we will force it out. Kindly, K-Mew
  11. Hello @Clumsygirl This is not the first time I'm warning you about this, so please let it be the last. When you make a forum sale on Selling Pokémon - Cross Server - Pokemon Revolution Online you must respect it's rules, which means: @Dauxanhrauma You don't have to transfer, as it falls on the seller to transfer. I will give you 24 hours to transfer to Gold @Clumsygirl. Kindly, K-Mew
  12. Hello all, @Laudam My apologies, but all bids made by JesusV10000 were false offers, and so, he has been punished in accordance. @Oda 2.1m was the only valid bid, and so if you wish to keep the Mudkip, please state it so in here (For the price 2.1m). If you do not wish to, and you are not obligated to, keep your 2.1m bid, I will be voiding and locking this auction. @Laudam If Oda agrees to pay 2.1m, please reach out to him, and finish the deal. Otherwise, you are free to make a new auction from scratch if you so please. Kindly, K-Mew
  13. Hello all, @Laudam @Jesusv10000 Please reach out one another, and provide evidence of the trade Window on the post please. Kindly, K-Mew
  14. Hello all, @Manav861 @Jarlaxlebaenre I have forced the auction. Kindly, K-Mew
  15. Locked as per requested. @Jackstermac please contact the seller, since the request to close the shop was made 1 hour ago, and you have just stated your intent to purchase these pokemons, therefore, technically you contacted here after the shop was closed. Kindly, K-Mew
  16. Hello all, @Ieau @Chefvulcan I have forced this outcome. Kindly, K-Mew
  17. Hello all, I have reversed the Marill trade @T1nkat0n as the winner was @1cloudz. Therefore 400k were added back, and the pokemon removed. @Kaempferherz Please be more careful in the future! Kindly, K-Mew
  18. Hello all, The winner of this auction is @Bekkistvan with a 4.5m bid. Since both players/account have the funds, the bid is valid. However, you must make it clear at the time of posting your bid, not after. This will be allowed on this occasion, but moving forward it might not be the case. Please @Ghostriders make sure to provide a screenshot of the trade window when done. Kindly, K-Mew
  19. Hello, The winner of this auction is @Snowbelll with a 50M bid, since @Raiijin2 bids were not valid. His 50M bid is the winning bid, due Raijin 60M being not valid. Please make sure to trade with the player and post a screenshot below. Kindly, K-Mew
  20. Please do not comment further. I will hide all comments onwards, if you wish to appeal, feel free to fill one here, where I will go in detail on what you did wrong. But you currently didn0't have the funds necessary. Kindly, K-Mew
  21. Hello all, @Raiijin2 You have been punished for False Offering, as you don't have the funds to honour your bid. You are not allowed to bid any further. His last valid bid was 45M, so @Snowbelll 50M bid is the last valid bid, and currently the best offer. My apologies for the inconvience caused. Kindly, K-Mew
  22. Hello all, @Mareska26 Please do not change the End point of this auction. I have edited the post to the original time. From experience, when players do a countdown, it only creates chaos, since the timer on the count and the real end point dont often match. So, to avoid that, please let the end point always visible (5days auction), so players are always aware. On another note, please always specify when the timer starts ticking, for example: 5days auction after first bid / after start. This auction will continue normally, where the start point was from @Jinhsi 1m bid, made at 01/03 5:28PM GMT, this means the end time for this auction is: 06/03 5:28PM GMT. Kindly, K-Mew
  23. Hello all, @Mrrockall You have been punished for mishandling this auction. The winner is @797 with a 3m bid, after the 15min rule was in effect. Please make sure to read Auction Rules to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. @797 Please in the future, make sure to specifically state a correct amount with a ''k'' or ''m'' if required. With that said the following actions have been made: @Mrrockall 100k were added @797 3m were removed from your account, and the pokemon added @Tren the pokemon was removed and 2.9m were added. Kindly, K-Mew
  24. Hello, @B0t @Jhonatanvnz the trade has been forced. Kindly, K-Mew
  25. Hello all, Since the end point of this auction was 01/02/2025 11:24AM GMT, the winner of this auction was @Dos3d with a 1.3m bid. Please @Omenrl make sure to post a screenshot of the trade window here once the trade is done. Kindly, K-Mew
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