@Hikennoacetr There has been multiple rules you have broken in this auction, and for that you have been punished.
I will be explaining in detail which rules have been not respected, so please make sure you read it, to avoid making them in the future. Also, you can have a closer look to Auction Rules here
Although none has bidded CC's, you have made a mistake on the auction when you stated that you accept Coin Capsules, but didn't set a price on it. Without a specify a clear price for the item, those are not allowed! Please keep this in mind for future auctions.
Regarding Insta prices, when this auction started, no Insta price was stated, rather you have said and I quote: ''No insta for now''. Once an auction begins, you no longer are able to set an insta price. This auction started, officially, with @Georgeguo2006 400k offer, and you have added ''1m insta'' after that point which is not allowed.
This is the last point where you really messed up, and the reason why you have been punished.
You did not post evidence of neither the trade or the bid from the ''winner'', Kratos3844. You must always post a bid you receive in game for it to be valid, otherwise those bids will not be valid! But this seems to be to hide the fact that you have traded the pokemon to him. So for that reason, you have been punished for Faking this auction and deceiving the original winner.
With that said, the real winner is @Georgeguo2006 with 400k bid, but since he no longer has the funds, since was announced that the winner was another player, I will be voiding this auction.
Apologies to all the bidders for this mishandled auction.