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Everything posted by Rainion

  1. thick fat, impish shiny lax auction rare female start: 8m min bid: 100k insta 18m 72 hour auction from start please state witch server you are bidding from I will deliver to desired server happy bidding
  2. trade complete can be closed.
  3. i'm on now buddy, will be in verm IGN rainion
  4. @Yakuzah you won the balce, sorry for the late reply, weekends are hectic. lemme know what you wanna do collection wise
  5. noted. auction start 18:46 gmt +1
  6. wts 30/29 blacephalon start = 800k min bid = 100k insta = 5m currency = cash only auction will last 48 hr after start bid
  7. Morning guys, While I was in the natural site last night, I noticed a few potential missing tiles, Around the edges of the lower high cliffs. It seems when the mapper went to set down the decorations they put it on the same layer and the corner piece of the high cliff. If I'm wrong I apologise for wasting any time. regards Rainion
  8. i won?
  9. 300k start
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