Route 217 is the best place to train ATK, pokes with good level and rares pokes to:
ATK: Beartic, Machoke (appears a lot), Piloswine (1HP & 1 ATK), Swinub.
Sometimes: Delibird (Speed)
Rares: Sneasel, Furfrou, Vanilite, Castform, Bergmite and Snover
Answer to question 2:
You will not lose your pokemons, they go to PC, and will be able to get them after you beat the 8th gym. You will stay with all your money and equipments...
Shiny Zubattt :D, was in Johto... don´t remember the place name, was in a house with Entei, Suicune and Raikou xDD. Was awesome! Looking for the second Shiny