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Everything posted by Hugowar
Exactly the same problem here...
≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [Help Needed for Sinnoh EV Guide!]
Hugowar replied to Somes's topic in Outdated Guides
Route 217 is the best place to train ATK, pokes with good level and rares pokes to: ATK: Beartic, Machoke (appears a lot), Piloswine (1HP & 1 ATK), Swinub. Sometimes: Delibird (Speed) Rares: Sneasel, Furfrou, Vanilite, Castform, Bergmite and Snover -
Thank you so much, worked for me too :D
resolved Game suddenly stopped something went wrong
Hugowar replied to Dukmak's topic in General Support
Same problem here... =( -
Same problem is happening here... z.z Waiting for an answer
great work, :D
Trading Challenge! (Finding Rachel's friends Quest Guide)
Hugowar replied to Carlho's topic in Quest Walkthroughs
Hello, add where i find Charlie :D \/ -
Answer to question 2: You will not lose your pokemons, they go to PC, and will be able to get them after you beat the 8th gym. You will stay with all your money and equipments...
Fact jajaja. Theres no way to this suggestion be implemented xD.
Thank youuuu, thats all i need :D:D:D. Was looking for something like this long time ago xD.
Re: Johto GYM Leader & Elite 4 Guide <t>Great Guide, thanks :D.</t>
Shiny Zubattt :D, was in Johto... don´t remember the place name, was in a house with Entei, Suicune and Raikou xDD. Was awesome! Looking for the second Shiny
Sorry, but i do not agree with this suggestion... how @Serena said, will lose the essence of the game...
Nice Guide!! Will help a lot. Thanks!
Item Locations + discription! [UPDATED: Shards + Eviolite]
Hugowar replied to Agrodark's topic in Outdated Guides
Re: Item Locations + discription! <t>Thank youuuu, great help :D</t> -
I like some of your ideas: 1) Transport thing: Yes, would be nice if the train (or another type of transport) in Saffron (or another cities) brings the people to Pallet or Veridian... And i think, the good price will be like 1k~. 2) Pokemon IDs and the pokedex : On the pokemon info window there should be the pokemon's ID in the pokedex as well . Instead of searching it by name/look would be nice to be able to find it by ID in the pokedex. (nice IDEA :y:) 3)Linking friends: This a crucial thing, really need be implemented.
Totally agree, hope see in game !! :D
Hello Zupercooer, welcome and enjoy the game and the community!
Welcome :D. Enjoy the game, good lucky!
Thanks for your post @IceFortune! I think the game will grow much more! So its better do (if possible) the waiting list now haha. About the other ones, all of them are not much necessary at this time (can wait)
Hello Guys... I have few suggestions to do: 1- Add Numbers to the HP Bar 2- Select different colors on private chat messages (we can already coloring some groups but not private messages) 3- More Hotkeys (We just have 4 hotkeys at this momment...) 4- Fast access items - In a battle we can use the numbers to select a particular option (ex: (1) Fight, (2) Pokemon, (3) Items, (4) Run, my idea is: when we select Pokémon and items we can choose the number "3" for example, and the third of pokemon list go to the field, the same idea will be used in the selection of items. 5- Waiting List Acess - The game is getting popular and for sure the server limit will be reached every time, so we need a Waiting List, will be more fair (inhibiting players from using automated clicks) and we dont need try every time to connect. Accept more suggestions or improvements :Grin: Obs: Sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand my ideas on this topic
You can get good rod at Fuchsia City. Search a home -> \/ from C.P.
Totally Agree! I give another suggestion: put the information of the movements in pokedex, like is shown when you lvl up and appears a new move to be learned (saying the move power, what it do...)