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Everything posted by Brandonchoo

  1. And thats how you know Hoenn needs to come out. :Crazy:
  2. Re: B4AZ PokeHouse / TOP EPIC PVP FOR SALE / Ongoing Auction For Arcanine <t>610k arcanine</t>
  3. Re: B4AZ PokeHouse / TOP EPIC PVP FOR SALE / Ongoing Auction For Arcanine <t>560k arcanine</t>
  4. Waterfall too. Need a physical water move in this game. Though, this should be coming with Hoenn most probably.
  5. Not working on my Galaxy S5 either. :/ Stuck at loading hats
  6. wrongly press reply instead of edit post ignore this.
  7. First, before i begin, this is just a suggestion. It doesn't really matter to me if it's priority, comes now or later. Either way would still be fine. 2rd. "top priority rather than attack animation." . I didin't meant as a whole. Sorry if i didn't interpret it correctly. And also thats why they have different categories of staff such as animators. ( I might be wrong,correct me if so) 3rd. I knew someone would suggest to 'mute' it but it would've made the post longer so i did not write about it. This is kind of a matter of opinion, but i personally like playing with the game soundtrack. This game is not all about PvP. It also involves trading which makes me spend loads of time in town. So chilling with town music feels good. Plus older android users also don't have the option of turning on its media player while playing the game though they can just turn it off with the standard volume button, again its just a suggestion. 4th. Yes, we all know matchmaking is top priority together with hoenn but thats the reason why i posted this in the first place. Although it dosent really matter but with the game having lots of travelling without Fly. Thats when the transition would make it feel a little more variant playing this game. And take note, PvP is usually played by post-game players. In fact a majority of players are still clearing the game. These "DLC" is part of the original game anyway, not everybody gets to go to Hoenn straight. They have to put in hours of gameplay which uses a series of these 'DLC'
  8. 1.Bump Effect. The hop sound is already there , we might as well get this as well. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] 2.Screen Transition Sound Effect [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] 3.Door animation I think this should be a top priority rather than attack animation. (not to forget the sound) :P 4.Lastly, please update kanto and johto town music before Hoenn releases. :Frown: :Frown: (HeartGold probably have all the soundtrack you need) Hearing the same soundtrack makes my ear bleed after 400 hours in-game time. T-T I think the base game requires more improvement other than Hoenn since players will be starting on these two island before reaching Hoenn Red/shane notice me senpai.
  9. Hi, just heard the news on Hoenn being 70% done. Cheers to PRO team. :y: :y: For some reason i often find myself checking back on this game for updates even though i am on hiatus. So yeah with the news up, i was wondering whether music for each town will be implemented? As a hardcore user, i remember listening to the same soundtrack over and over for countless of hour. Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver track music for each town would be a great idea in my opinion as it gives you a sense of accomplishment each time you reach a town (im sure everyone can relate to this) and will be very appealing for new users. I think route music is a bit troublesome right now with the team rushing to complete hoenn. So ONLY town would just be fine.
  10. Brandonchoo


    Just keep retrying for 5 minutes straight, you are bound to get in.
  11. Hi. i am currently on hiatus from this game, but with pvp out i think we should be having a new PVP thread (player zone) to discuss pvp related stuff. This is to prevent current meta's (at the time i played, 'rain meta') from being abused and for players to share some info on how to counter it. This makes it possible for new players to start pvp and also promote variety of pokemon being used in pvp.
  12. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 342<br/> Shoutout to all PRO staff who took their time to create an event for us <3<br/> and congrats to shane on the newborn.</t>
  13. Build something against rain team. Rain team is the current meta. Here's an example of pokemon you should be worried about : -kingdra -politoed Politoed basically sets up rain with its ability. Kingdra sweeps it with its swift swim ability (priority move) Its either you build it or counter it.
  14. Re: What this could be... <r><QUOTE author="Red"><s> </e></QUOTE> forum seems to be snowing...</r>
  15. Seems fishy if you ask me ._. . Or other than that theres a chance that a perfect pokemon will drop. i mean 31x4 with shiny. Dosent seem right.
  16. Re: What this could be... <t>Its obviously halloween event ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)</t>
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