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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. Thanks :D updated with some new items, also I got a cacnea before 5000 discoveries... so might be after a certain number of discoveries, like 250+ you can get cacnea, have to verify, help me boyz/girlz :)
  2. UPDATE! Experienced discoveries count as +2 in the discovery count, just confirmed that. +1 for the others
  3. Talked to a scripter as well btw and said that was 100% NOT intended that people are able to find such rare pokemons without the 5000 discoveries
  4. I know 99% for sure since it's likely the bug for some people was in the discoveries count (or it not being considered) and they never had a fleeing rare pokemon, talked with around 5/6 people with the bug, not that many but enough to make a solid assumption that after 5000 discoveries rare pokemons will not flee :)
  5. Point is that I found cacnea as well, but fled away :) That's why I'm guessing it's an experienced spawn
  6. Added Helix Fossil and Piplup in glacial site, thanks :)
  7. I think that there's a pretty big bug about the spawns... https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=31540
  8. Good ones, thanks :) Next time i'll try to get a screenshot to confirm 200% :)
  9. Timburr historical site, karrablast where? karrablast is in mineral site Thanks, added :)
  10. Timburr historical site, karrablast where?
  11. :'( It's written in the guide, just read it :( Route 103
  12. The 1k entrance fee will be paid when you can enter the spots, similar to love trader for love island
  13. Step 1 being defeating hoenn elite 4? Would be another guide, sorry :( Step 2 rock fragments location as well, + the quest for me was bugged so I actually got the permit after hoeen e4 and 100k without fragments (i think, not sure again) i meant thse steps It's written right under xD just keep reading the post :p
  14. Re: Hoenn Rock Discovery Spots <r><QUOTE author="kalidore1987"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry...this where? <br/> please tell me<e> </e></QUOTE> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=31567"><s>http://</s><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 20&t=31567">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=31567</LINK_TEXT><e></e></URL> here</r>
  15. Step 1 being defeating hoenn elite 4? Would be another guide, sorry :( Step 2 rock fragments location as well, + the quest for me was bugged so I actually got the permit after hoeen e4 and 100k without fragments (i think, not sure again)
  16. You can collect rock fragments around the sites, they're hidden items, good point tho, i'll edit for more clarity
  17. Known requirements to access the sites: 1. Obtaining "Archaeologist Permit" from Fossil Maniac Charles. 2. Paying 2,5k per visit to Gingery Jones. 3. Having a way to use Rock Smash (in Hoenn can be found in Mauville in one of the houses) Known requirements to be able to obtain "Archaeologist Permit": 1. Defeating Hoenn Elite 4. 2. Collecting 6 "Rock Fragments" near the 6 excavation site (they are hidden items nearby, you don't need to enter the exc. site). 3. Paying 100k to Fossil Maniac Charles. Fossil Maniac Charles location: Route 114 General spawns information UPDATED Apparently there are different "Tier" of expertise in archaeology: - Beginner from 0 to 1200 discoveries (yet to verify 100%, maybe there are more tiers inside "beginner") - Intermediate from 1200 to 1600 discoveries - Advanced from 1600 - 3200 discoveries - Expert from 3200 - 5000 discoveries - Senior from 5000 - 6800 discoveries - Master from 6800 - last rank You can verify your tier from Gingery Jones in Glacial Site. You encounter different spawns of pokemons / items based on your level of expertise (measured in number of discoveries). You can gain "discovery points" by smashing the rocks inside each site. If you encounter a spawn you're not "expert" enough to get, the pokémon will flee or you won't be able to find the item. Shiny Rocks There is 1 shiny rock in every sites, you need the item "pickaxe" (75c in the shop) and MS to find something there. Apparently the rare spawns here are more common, but to catch them you need a higher number of discoveries (most likely 5000+). In every site you can find as items: - Fresh Water / Escape Rope / Tiny mushroom - All Kanto / Hoenn / Kalos fossils (after 6800 discoveries + MS) NEW MECHANIC - ARTIFACTS In every site now you can find Artifacts that can be traded in Historical Site for items. *List + Image coming* Cooldown before respawns: 22 hours HAUNTED SITE - Location: Rusturf Tunnel Gastly (from 12:00-23:59 game time) After 400 discoveries: Shuppet (from 0:00-11:59 game time) After 1200 discoveries: Duskull Misdrevaus After 2700 discoveries: Yamask Golett After ??? discoveries: Gligar After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Sucker Punch for 10k Items: MINERAL SITE - Location: Route 115 Onix After 200 discoveries: Nosepass After 1700 discoveries: Aron After 3200 discoveries: Beldum After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Explosion for 10k Items: Protector FERAL SITE - Location: Fiery Path Houndour Cubone Whismur After 1200 discoveries: Zangoose After 3200 discoveries: Mawile Torkoal After 5000 discoveries: Absol Pawniard Litleo Items: Grip Claw Other: Boss Gingery Jones after 2400 discoveries GLACIAL SITE - Location: Route 103 Wailmer After 400 discoveries: Spheal After 1700 discoveries: Clauncher After 3200 discoveries: Tympole After 5000 discoveries: Shuckle (shiny rock) Smoochum Vanillite Items: NATURAL SITE - Location: Route 119A Starly After 600 discoveries: Cacnea After 1300 discoveries: Nincada After 2400 discoveries: Skorupi After 3200 discoveries: Bouffalant After ??? discoveries: Shroomish Trapinch Ferroseed After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Super Fang for 10k Items: HISTORICAL SITE - Location: Desert Route 111 After 400 discoveries: Tyrogue Makuhita After 1200 discoveries: Sawk Throh After ??? discoveries: Solrock After 2500 discoveries: After 3200 discoveries: Timburr After 5000 discoveries: Items: Other: After 7800 discoveries, reviving Kanto, Hoenn and Kalos fossils - 20k in donation for each revive. This post is under construction, will be updated when new information are confirmed. The cooldown of the spots is 22 hours.
  18. Re: Hoenn Rock Discovery Spots <t>I'll do a better guide, this one is very misleading in some points... Give me 20 mins and you'll find it here in game data</t>
  19. Here's some screens: => should not be possible in 3 days total of hoenn to have 5000 discoveries point (did all 6 sites, have around 250) and this was the conversation with the OT of the pokemon: Just screened one example, happened 3/4 times today
  20. Apparently discovery system is bugged for some people. Some can access to all sites without a permit AND catch rare pokemons which i guess should be possible only after 5000 discoveries. Proof are the pokemons in trades and I talked to few of the OTs and said they could access even before getting the 3rd badge in hoenn. I think that's a huuge bug which is hurting a super cool concept :( fix pls
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