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Everything posted by Thantaimetmoi

  1. I'm sure that our guild leader never use hack, he was in the top 9 richest people in the game, and right now he only buy ms because there's a tour for the guild. I am friend NOSAFUR in game.
  2. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  3. Why master account band?why master off game?why why and why
  4. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon xD
  5. You complete quest?
  6. PRO had pokemon x/y Froakie Safari johoto Fennekin event haloween(event end) Bermig event noel ......
  7. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  8. dinh lua newbie ak thim' Ghi offer mà mới sưa lại 1m5 nha Offer tui trả bao nhiêu ko dc
  9. Re: Want to sale EPIC GASTY <t>100k</t>
  10. Fail image
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [Christmas Guardian ELF and Koichi Dojo !!!!] <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE> All boss 2 week</r>
  12. Somes you complete pm me thanks
  13. I wanted Mega Rayquaza on it with a black background and the words Nightfall Guild You complete pm me and price i am online game
  14. Pokemon 2 christmast 100k-200k Pokemon 1,3,4,5 i don't know
  15. I am online forum=iphone4 no online game you sell signature?
  16. Name:NIGHTFALL GUILD MEGA RAYQUAZA Offer and post thanks
  17. I agree!
  18. You buy dragonclub 200k in blackthorn
  19. Re: Aerodactyl For Sale <t>200k</t>
  20. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  21. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon.
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