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Everything posted by Thantaimetmoi

  1. Re: SHOP POKEMON <r><QUOTE author="youraxx27"><s> </e></QUOTE> 20hours</r>
  2. Re: SHOP POKEMON <t>Bump</t>
  3. 600k sold sold 240k
  4. Yeah master hahah
  5. i already bought another gastly, thank you all.
  6. IV:atk:don't care Def:15+ Spd:31 Spatk:29+ Sp def 20+ Hp:20+ Thanks
  7. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  8. Lol man file lucky man
  9. Post and offer Thanks all
  10. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  11. Re: epic feebas + prism scale <t>250k no prism scale</t>
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