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Everything posted by Thantaimetmoi

  1. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  2. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon.
  3. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  4. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  5. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon.
  6. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  7. thantaimetmoi, are we able to make a quick attack towards it cause i think that dragonite is in high speed stat Ice shard +1 frist Weavile speed hight ice x4 dragonite
  8. Weavile ice punch Mamoswine ice shard
  9. PRO do not have windows phone
  10. Link you get mega stone:https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=8135
  11. login you need to press constantly and continuously until login print from waiting to see you have lucky Sever 1597/1600 Good Luck
  12. Re: Prophezzy's Shop <r><QUOTE author="Prophezzy"><s> </e></QUOTE> 570k lucario? You not see</r>
  13. You download client https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4563
  14. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  15. i agree xD
  16. 500k
  17. Great! Thank You
  18. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon.
  19. Welcome to PRO,good luck catch pokemon
  20. Sever online 1597/1600 you lucky logging game
  21. Black screen i don't know wait mod
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