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About Mrheimer

  • Birthday 10/08/1993

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  1. Yep sorry i stoped to play, it was already sold in game for 2M, it stay only Nidoking
  2. Togekiss: Insta 3M But i can start a bid for 2M raise up 100K mini end 48H after first bid Nidoking : Insta 2M But i can start a bid for 1.5M raise up 100K mini end 48H after first bid
  3. Shiny auction: Start: 1m Insta: 4M AUCTION END: 3 day after 1st bid MIN BID: 100k
  4. Delete this post thanks.
  5. Hey ,i am MrHeimer on Silver, i was in pvp before, i switched on my heartran who was flash fire, and i i got fire damage... so i watch my ability and i see it was changed for the h.a flame body... Can you make back my heatran on flash fire? Sry i have a bad english
  6. Username: MrHeimer Server: Silver Country/Timezone: France GTM +1 or +2
  7. 31 speed 31 atk other 20+ jolly ( or sneasel ) Pm me ig or post here thank's :)
  8. Kommo-o gg dhrak4
  9. Wts Muk Alola pvp ready : 48H after first bid bid start for 1M5. Raise 100K mini Insta 3M
  10. Kommo-o 1M4 by Drunkm
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