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About Breezyg

  • Birthday 10/30/1994

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  1. Sandshrew (1) Sold for 80k to: Deidara7 Koffing Sold for 80k to: Quanle92 Spinda Sold for 120k to: phime. Delibird Sold for 80k to: C9Blastoise
  2. As someone who is at ~350 hours playtime and is now starting to try and build a roster of epic pvp pokemon to play with on the ladder, I embrace the idea of being able to occasionally reset specific IVs (through a system that cannot be bought - so I think Gamiverse's idea of a rare boss drop is right on the money) as it would immensely help ease my pain. I understand that much of the development team's worry is that this will cause players to quit, and although I can see why, this approach does not take into account the amount of PRO players that quit because once they've beaten the 3 regions, the thought of having to grind for months and months to get their desired pvp pokemon just makes them quit outright. For me personally, I've quit and came back to PRO so many times because the grind for Extremely Rare Pokemon can take so long that you feel you are completely wasting your time and your life because at the end of each day, you have nothing to show for your efforts. Other games where you have to do a massive grind (let's say runescape for example), do so through a constant progression system (constant experience and drops in runescapes case). If their was a way that a grind in PRO progressively rewarded a guaranteed IV reset token, for example, I would be MUCH more inclined to put the time in and power up my specific epic pokemon of which I'm proud to have originally farmed. I do not have any specific ideas in how this would be achieved as of now, but it is an idea. However, I can empathise with veteran PRO players that have much more time played than I, who would look at this idea and option to Reset IVs and feel cheated, as they have put the time in and my reluctance to follow in their footsteps might seem unfair. But I do believe that for someone like me, who feels the need for some kind of constant progression in games, being able to "build" your epic pvp pokemon through a rewarding system would really excite me. :Heart-eyes:
  3. Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons) <t>ignore this</t>
  4. Re: Insta Shop - Epic Impish Hippo - H.a Gothitelle - Epic Gastrodon - <r>Happy New Year GameStar! I offer 1.6m for the Hippowdon <E>:y:</E></r>
  5. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register! <E>:y:</E> <br/> Server: Red<br/> Timezone: GMT+0<br/> Trainer Card: <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/c21b608661e408d8314ecf12978bfc33.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]</r>
  6. Re: Selling epic ferrothorn <r>900k <E>:y:</E></r>
  7. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r>In Game Name: Breezyg<br/> Age: 22<br/> PVP Team: No active team right now - working on a new one - soon to be an avid PvPer. <br/> Favorite pokemon: Zapdos!<br/> Best pokemon in game: Gengar / Slowbro<br/> Your goals in pro: Zapdos mount, Suicune mount, and to be part of an active community.<br/> <br/> Thanks! <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. Hi! I'm looking to buy an epic adamant (All relevant IVs 20+ with preference on Attack and Speed being highest) Riolu/Lucario (Can be any ability). Contact me in game (Breezyg) or here. I can offer you a price or you can tell me the buyout I'm not fussy. Has to be adamant, has to have epic IVs - I will decline anything else. Thank you! :Shy:
  9. Looking to buy an epic (roughly 20+ in all relevant IVs) Timid and Serene Grace Togepi/Togekiss. It can be a Lvl 100 PvP ready Togekiss or a freshly caught Togepi - I'm not fussy. PM me in game (Breezyg) or link your pokémon here with either your instant price to sell or I can make you an offer if you prefer. Thanks! :Shy:
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